A classic Hawke race at Hubbell Dam. Some hike a bike and some long gravel and cement sections mixed in with the steep short downhills and twisty turns. Not a big turnout but it was fun!
Small turnout and I finished third because Hawke had a mechanical and another guy burped his front tire with 1/2 lap to go and I was able to out sprint hm at the finish.
Flatted on lap 4 and had to run half the course to get new wheel. But it was fun with some challenging spots. Unfortunately Ries got me after I had the flat so I finished one lap down.
Nats!! It was a tough course that got tougher as the temperature went up. The backside of the course was almost unrideable due to the slick mud. It was a good course that was hard and really tested your ability.
A great venue at VietNam Veterans Memorial Park, lots of grass, tight turns, sand and more. This was supposed to be a night races but because of the cost of the lights it was a late afternoon cross!
A fun course with a lot of grass with off camber turns in both up and down hill directions. There was some wet spots and some snow and frozen spots as well.
The reverse of yesterday's course at the horse park. The surface was faster today due to early morning rain. The temperature was about 15 degrees colder than yesterday.
This year's race was based at the Sand Hollow Reservoir. The water temperature was 68 degrees so time for the wetsuit! Both the run and bike portions of the race were pretty hilly this year.
A fast fun multisport activity similar to crossfit. This event involves 11 different disciplines done as fast as possible. The events were; rowing machine, tire flips, spartan pull, ground to overhead lifts, sandbag run with obstacles, sled pull, yoke carry, balance beam, overhead lunges with sit-ups, medicine ball toss and water wade with weight.
A tough 108 mile single track mountain bike race. 13K of elevation, up & down all day! I did this event with some of my adventure racing friends( Ries, Keith & Don) and Kim was the support! A really long day in the saddle with temperatures starting in the high 60's to high of 113 recorded on my Garmin. There was also high humidity and this made for a long day. I wouldn't have finished without Kim & Ries who helped drag my through the day for a 13 and a half hour finish.
21st place overall out of only 34 finishers. It was a long hard day in the saddle with some walking in the heat. Only about 50% of the starters finished. Actual moving time was about 12 hours.
Mountain Bike
24 Hours in the Enchanted Forest Mountain Bike Race
This is a 13.3 mile course with about 950 feet of climbing per lap. But don't let that fool you into thinking the race is easy. There is a lot of rocky stuff each lap that can catch you out!
Our 5 person Co-Ed team was made up of Tamatha R, Todd K, Don M, Ries R. and myself. There were 22 teams in our category and we finished 5th. The top 5 teams all finished with 21 laps. My times were 1:03:54, 1:06:36, 1:11:42 and 1:08:28.
Kim raced with Kris P. They had a excellent result. Kim did 4 laps, fastest 1:19:16 and slowest 1:38:50 when it didn't make any difference in the standings.
A tough but fun Fourth of July mountain bike race. The rest continues to be very hard. The race is 5o miles in length with 3900ft of climbing. Kim and I entered the 120+ age group. We were the only coed pair. We ended up 6th out of 9 teams. Our total time was 6:58:22.
This year's La Tierra Torture became The Torture at Glorieta Camps due to permitting issues with the City of Santa Fe. We had a great course with varying levels of difficulty for beginners, intermediate and expert racers. The loop varied between 3.5 and 5 miles in length. The intermediate and expert racers had some more demanding climbing and rocky decents.
Kim Bear: 1h 26m 24.2s, 1/1, Intermediate women 60-69.
A fun triathlon in a very pretty spot near Fort Collins, CO. Very scenic lake and a rolling bike course with a run through a beautiful sculpture garden. Kim did the aquabike a 1.5K swim and 30 mile bike while I did the sprint triathlon, a 750M swim, 15 mile bike and 5K run.
This year's race was a 5+ mile loop starting at Chapman Hill and going up to Fort Lewis College around the campus and back down Champan Hill. There were several fun sections but also a couple big climbs each lap. I did 3 laps and Kim did 2 laps.
This race has been on our list for a few years but was always on the same weekend as our 6 Hours in the Basin Mountain Bike race. Finally they were on different weekends so we signed up. Kim signed up for the 25 mile race and I signed up for the 50 mile race. Both races we fun but maybe a little to much dirt road riding for our liking but certainly understand the need for it when you have a couple thousand riders. The courses had some great singletrack just not enough.
Kim Bear: 2h 57m 54s, 4/10, Distinguished Women 60+
This was our 6th annual race at Galisteo Basin. We have been using the same fast and fun 9.5 mile loop with about 800 feet of elevation per lap. There is a little bit of everything each lap, rock, gravel, sand, tight twisty sections, fast flowy sections and some double track for passing. This year's race started in cold windy conditions and ended with sun and temperatures in the low 60's.
This year's race was COLD. We woke up to snow flurries and a temperature of 32 degrees, with the wind chill making it feel even colder. Kim was paired up with Maripat for a Female Duo and I was paired up with Ries for a Male Duo. The race course was about 13 miles in length with about 1000 feet of climbing per lap. The first lap is only 10 miles in length primarily on a dirt road for the first 4+ miles to spread everyone out. A fun course but the high winds, gusts to 40 MPH accompanied with the cold certainly made for a challenging day on the bike.
Our lap times were all within 3-4 minutes of each other so a good steady pace. I did the start lap and the 4 more and Ries did 4 for our total of 9 laps. We were pretty happy with a 5th place as we were certainly the oldest Male Duo team.
The course was a mix of tight twisty trail, some open bermed trails with a couple small sections of open double track. There was about 700 feet of climbing per 7 mile lap.
Stage 1 = 6:17, Stage 2 = 3:42 and Stage 3 = 2:58. On Stage 3 I choose the hard line and didn't make it up the big step up and had to climb up costing me a big chunk of time!
A very fast, except for the climb, 5.6 mile mountain bike course with a little bit of everything, sand, rocks, big sweeping turns, tight twisty turns and a big drop making for a great TT course.
This annual event has been going on for 24 years. The course is a very fast 16 mile desert ride with lots of twists and turns, some rocks, lots of sand and CACTUS! It is fun but really just too many participants despite the race being capped at 2000.
Kim Bear: 1d 41m 26.5s, 14/29, 5 Person Coed combined ages 250+
Team Santa Fe crushed it for 14th place in a tough division after 16 laps and 256 miles of racing. Team members, Deborah K, Kim B, Brent B, Ruben R, and Wendell E! Each team member did three laps except Wendell who did 4! Kim was very happy with a 1:23:36 first lap.
Jan Bear: 1d 47m 50s, 2/29, 5 Person Coed combined ages 250+
We had a great team, Aileen E, Randy F, David J, David M and myself. We were faster than last year but still came up just a few minutes short ending up in second place 13 minutes off the top step of the podium after 21 laps and 336 miles of racing. Overall I personally was a little slower by about 2 minutes over the four laps but had to walk one of the bitches on my lap #4 due to a racer injury at the bottom of the hill so the organizers and medical staff made all the racers walk that 3-400 yard section, without that issue I think my times would have been the same as last year, this includes two night laps.
New Mexico Old Fashioned Cyclocross Sreies Race #6